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May 17th 2021


During the end of February in Kituntu District was rejoicing its achievements which where Launching of Tape water supply from UWAMAKI, Women fundraising for WOMEN CENTER BUILDING and Receiving of the new Pastor at Kituntu Parish. LAUNCH OF WATER SUPPLY. On 25.2.2021,The Rural Water Supply Authority of Katembe Village installed the Tape water which is now used for the Church functions as well as the members in that community. After installation Rev .Uzima Tirumanywa said that The water supply in that area has been a blessing to them since they expect to construct the new modern church, Women Centre building which will depend supply of water from the one which has been installed since the water supply they had before was not able to satisfy them. WOMEN FUNDRAISING During fundraising The guest of honour Ms .Annamarie led the mass on the fundraising for the WOMEN CENTER BUILDING which had stucked for so long due to the failure of the milling machine which was not able to work. Building the WOMEN CENTER aimed at enabling women to have the selling center of their craft such as sawing, rent, offices and small meeting hall. The District women leader Ms. Alinoda Blassio Ngambeki read the budget and all the material that were needed to accomplish the building which were as follows, 1.Bricks 7 trips with total of 21,000 Bricks. 2.Building sand 6 Trips 3.Building stones 6 trips 4.Gravel 9 trips 5.moths mm 12 pc 43 6.Moths mm 6 pc 11 7.Binding wire 8 kilograms 8.Woods 12 for renter installation 9.Cement 200 bags 10.Four iron sheets for installing pillar. 11.Nails 10 Kilograms This excludes iron sheets and woods for roofing which is approximately 200 iron sheets. After she had read the budget the guest of honor was invited to give her contribution while other fellow women, church congregants came to support her. The contribution that was made where Tanzanian shillings 2,500,000Tsh,Bricks 500 promises. After all the District Pastor Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa assured the mass that what has been contributed will help as the constructions were about to start. INSTALLATION OF THE PARISH PASTOR. On the next Sunday after the two events The District Pastor Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa installed the church pastor Rev. Elice Paschal Joseph at Kituntu Parish. The event was attended by 506 congregants and The word which led the occasion was led from Act 16:35-40. The new church pastor led the worship while insisting the congregants to be the witness of Jesus as Paul and Sira did. She assured the congregants to serve them accordingly as God wishes. In welcoming The New Pastor Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa led the congregants in presenting gifts to the new Pastor and he asked them to support her. All the congregants and their Pastors had thanks giving to God for the blessed week. Text: Melina M. Nkongoki