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Mar 21st 2023

Kituntu District

The Kituntu District is the ‘door’ to the Karagwe Diocese: On the way from Bukoba, lake Victoria or from Kampala, Uganda, via Kyaka to Karagwe and Ngara, one is going to enter Karagwe through the Kituntu District. Rev. Leopold Materu and Charles Kaihura. The word ‘Kituntu’ has different meanings: >As a geographical term, Kituntu refers to the high plateau of Karagwe with a height of 1.500 up to 1.800 metres above sea level. >Kituntu also is the name of a village between Katembe and Rwambaizi. >The Kituntu Church District has 8 parishes and 41 congregations. 
 A farmer in Runyaga. The majority of the people in Kituntu-District are farmers. They live from their crops such as bananas, coffee, maize, potatoes, beans or cassava. The district area is divided in fertile uplands like in Kituntu and Runyaga Parish, and poor soil lowlands, like in Kihanga and Rugera Parish. The average income is less than 300 € a year. The literacy rate is above 90% for those who only attended four years of Primary School. In terms of religion there are about 25% Lutheran, 40% Catholic and 35% others such as Muslims. The Kituntu Church District has a total of 8 parishes.This makes a total of 41 congregations. Each parish is led by a pastor and each congregation is led by an evangelist. Kituntu Parish with Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa consists of the six congregations Katembe, Kinyinya, Rwambaizi, Nyabuziba, Katwe and Nyakigongo. Runyaga Parish with Rev. Focus Rutaba consists of the six congregations Runyaga, Muchuba, Kagutu, Omurulama, Ruhanya and Chanika. Kihanga Parish with an acting pastor Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa consists of the seven congregations Kihanga, Mulamba, Kishojo, Kibwela, Rutunguru, Kyabayanda and Kitengure. Rugera Parish with Rev. Steven Jackson consists of the four congregations Rugera, Nyarugando,Omuchonga and Mwemage.
 >Regularly visitation of Christians in their families 
 >Various Sunday services and burial services
 >Evangelism by visiting those who are not  able to come to Church
 >Establishing and complementing our action plan, for example supporting the financial department by employing a bookkeeper PROJECTS. (Our German partners from Biedenkopf support us in realizing some important projects concerning our environment and the people at Kituntu).
 >KAKAUMAKI (Kampeini Kabambe ya Utunzaji Mazingira Kituntu).
 Up to now we have planted more than 40,000 trees and because of droughts and stone hills not all the trees were able to survive.
 >Supporting Students with School fees and other needs
 >The construction of the pastor's house at Kanoni  Parish
>Building and extending church buildings, for example at Kihanga congregation, Kishoju, Nyakahita, Ruhanya, Kagutu, Nyakigongo and Kanoni 
 >Constructing water tanks to improve the life conditions of the people.
 The Biedenkopf delegation in Kitungule. The church partnership between the Kituntu District and the Deanery of Biedenkopf (http://www.ev-dekanat-biedenkopf.de/news.html) (Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau) was started in 1991.The key areas of the partnership are visits, the partnership Sunday, project management, capacity building and ecumenical learning. A steady evaluation of the projects and the exchange is another integral part of the relationship between the two church districts. The partnership website www.biedenkopf-kituntu.de contains all the information on the partnership in German, English and Kiswahili. Kituntu is part of the diocese's New Life Project. 
 Contact Further information through District Pastor Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa. Mobile: +255 755 457 991; E-mail: uzimatirumanywa@yahoo.co.uk Text: Rev. Uzima Tirumanywa